Sunday 27 February 2011


Usage and function
Phentermine is a stimulant which is similar to amphetamine.Basically it is an appetite suppressant which affects the central nervous system.
Phentermine is used along with diet and exercise in order to avoid overweight in people which results in high blood pressure,cholesterol and diabetes.
Phentramin-D,Phentramine and Fedramine are considered as phentermine close alternatives as they share the same fuction and usage of phentermine.
Advantages,Disadvantages And Some Advices
Phentermine is a stimulant and is effective for reducing body weight but as we all know that like medicine it has some side effects too and care should be taken before taking it or after taking it.
Dont drink alcohol as it may increase the side effects of this medicine.It might be responsible for impairing your thinking and reactions.It is a habit forming medicine as well.Also control your weight control,diet and exercise routines very closely  while taking phentermine .Dont take phentermine if the MAO inhibitor such as  urazolidone (Furoxone) is not completely removed from your body as its effects are life threatening(same case as it was in my below post about fioricet).
It might not be suitable for the following persons and individuals and please always contact your doctor or pharmacist before using it.
.The one with an heart disease,severe or uncontrolled high blood pressure,overactive thyroid;glaucoma,coronary artery disease

.The one with a history of drug abuse and drinking alcohol
.the one who is allergic to other diet pills like amphetamines etc
Pregnant moms must contact the doctor before using phentermine as it may pass into the breast milk and harm the nursing baby.
Its side effects may include swelling of your ankles and feet,chest pain,feeling short of breath etc.Its little side effects may include head ache feeling restless or hyperactive,sleep problem,dry mouth etc 
Best Phentermine Deals Over The Internet 

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